Jurnal Nasional

This research was aims to determine the antibacterial characteristics of seaweed extract Eucheuma cottonii with different solvents against bacteria Bacillus cereus and Salmonella typhi, to determine the diameter of the inhibition zone and the minimum inhibition concentration of Bacillus cereus and Salmonella typhi bacteria. The research method used was an experimental method by extraction of Eucheuma cottonii with different solvents, namely ethanol 96% and hexane. The analysis parameters consisted of phytochemical identification tested, antibacterial tested, inhibition zone diameter, and minimum inhibition concentration. The results showed that E. cottonii seaweed extracted with ethanol 96% had of yield 3.16% and hexane 2.19%. The results of the phytochemical identification test (qualitative) showed a positive presence of phenolic compounds, steroids/triterpenoids, flavonoids, saponins. Both extractions are classified as having antibacterial activity against Bacillus cereus and Salmonella typhi bacteria. The 6% concentration of ethanol 96% solvent was the most effective in inhibiting the growth of Bacillus cereus bacteria with 7.33 mm of inhibition zone diameter. Meanwhile, the 4% concentration of ethanol 96% solvent was the most effective in inhibiting the growth of Salmonella typhi bacteria with 5 mm of inhibition zone diameter. Antibacterial from seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii) extracted with ethanol 96% and hexane solvent tends to be more effective in inhibiting the growth of Bacillus cereus bacteria than bacteria Salmonella typhi.


This study was aimed to determine the characteristics of freshwater mussel shell collagen originating from Paku river waters extracted with different concentrations of acetic acid and to determine the best concentrations of acetic acid to produce the highest collagen yields. The different concentration of acetic acids to produce collagen was 0.50 M, 0.75 M and 1 M. The parameters of the analysis observed were collagen yield, proximate analysis (moisture, ash, fat, and protein content), pH and heavy metal analysis (Pb and Cd). The use of 0.50 M acetic acid concentration was the best concentration to produce collagen with the characteristics of a yield value of 18.76%, a moisture content value of 6.64%, ash content value of 82.60%, fat content value of 0.28%, protein content value of 6.81%, a pH value of 6.77, The heavy metal content of Pb 0.53 mg/kg and Cd 0.07 mg/kg.


Mina Sejahtera UMK is a company or home industry engaged in fish processing in Pulau Lawas village. One of its products is badhogak fish noodles. Problems that arise from packaging, product marketing, and bookkeeping in production activities. The purpose of this service is to improve the quality of packaging on Sunti Sukaku products, especially badhogak noodles, to improve labeling quality, to increase marketing both online and offline, to minimize expenses and maximize income with good business management, and to improve the feasibility of the badhogak noodle business. The results of the feasibility study for the badhogak noodle business at Mina Sejahtera UMK went well and as planned. These activities include the manufacture of Sunti Sukaku products, packaging of Sunti Sukaku products, labeling of Sunti Sukaku products, the marketing of Sunti Sukaku products, making bookkeeping or financial management formats for Mina Sejahtera MSEs to be able to continuously monitor expenses and income obtained from product sales so that they can know the expenses and income of this Badhogak noodle business. Hopefully in the future, UMK Mina Sejahtera could be a big industry with high income


Pandemic in the form of Covid-19 is a new type of disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus or Corona virus which can cause health problems in the form of respiratory system disorders, starting from mild symptoms such as flu, to lung infections, such as pneumonia. To maintain body immunity against Covid 19, nutritious food ingredients in the form of catfish are needed. Catfish is a type of fish that has a high economic value, where apart from being easy to cultivate, this fish also contains very high nutrients, namely 17.63% protein, 1.07% ash, 2.23% fat (DW), 12.14%, fat (WW), moisture content 81.57%, 47.15% saturated fatty acids, MUFA 40.41%, PUFA 12.45%. Therefore, it is very good for consumption during a pandemic. However, not everyone likes to consume catfish fresh, so it is processed in the form of catfish noodles. To increase consumer preference for catfish noodles, natural dyes from spinach and carrots are added which will give green and orange colors and attract consumers, so that ultimately nutrient-rich noodles are produced. This activity was carried out with 10 participants by implementing health protocols that aim to provide insight and practical knowledge to community groups in Rumbai Bukit Village, Rumbai District about fish noodle processing techniques so that they can increase family income, especially during the pandemic. The enthusiasm of the participants was very high so that the activity went smoothly. From the post-test results, it was found that 100% of the participants had understood the diversification techniques of fishery product processing.


Mina Sejahtera’s (Sun Ti Sukaku) Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) is a business group that has a legal entity consisting of 10 members with products in the form of badoghak noodles and spicy sauce fishball noodles. Badoghak comes from the Kampar District language which means savory taste. The purpose of implementing this activity for the community is to train the Mina Sejahtera MSE group in creating new innovations in processing fishery products in the form of Badoghak Noodles and Spicy Sauce Fishball noodles as regional superior products that are economically viable. The benefits of this activity in addition to the formation of MSE groups that can make both badoghak noodles and spicy sauce fishball noodles products so that in the end they can increase the income of the MSEs group, they can also develop the potential of the area. From the results of this activity, it was found that training in new product development innovation in the Mina Sejahtera MSE group has been successfully implemented and has been introduced/promoted both at the local and national scale. Furthermore, this product has also been able to improve the community’s economy, especially the Mina Sejahtera MSE group.


Peda (salt-fermented fish) is one of the wellknown fishery products in Indonesia. Salt is used to control bacteria life. The fish that is usually used for raw material is a kind of mackerel (Rastrelliger sp.). This research was held to find out the effect of different salt concentration given to the quality of peda (salt�fermented fish) mackerel. Samples were taken from West Sumatera and landed at the Laboratory of Fish Processing Technology, Faculty of Fishery and Marine Science, Riau University, Pekanbaru. Each sample weighing about 200-250 grams. At the laboratory, samples were grouped into two, gutted and ungutted. After cleaned, the fishes were salted in a plastic bucket with four concentration of salt (15%, 20%, 25%, 30%) for 7 days. Then, the fishes were cleaned from salt residue and checked for sensory (appearance, texture, taste, odor, fungus), chemical (pH, water activity), and microbiological ( TotalHalophilic). The result has shown that the best treatment was in the gutted fish of 20% salt concentration with appearance (whole, cleanly, bright), odor (almost neutral and bit annoying), flavor (really good, specific, there is no another annoying flavor), pH 6.25, water activity 0.77, and total halophilic 9.8 x 104 CFU/gram. Meanwhile, the best texture was found in 25% of salt concentration with specific criteria solid, elastic, and dry enough.


Red ginger is a spice that can extend the shelf life of fish because it contains an antibacterial compound. This study was aimed to determine the effect of red ginger on the organoleptic and biochemical quality of presto milkfish during cold storage. The method used in this research was an experimental method, which was processing milkfish presto with the addition of red ginger with different concentrations (0% (J0), 60% (J1), 70% (J2), and 80% (J3)) during cold temperature storage using a non-factorial randomized block design with the length of storage (0, 3, 6, and 9 days) as replication group. The parameters observed were organoleptic analysis (appearance, odor, taste, and texture), microbiological analysis (total plate count and viability of Staphylococcus aureus) and chemical analysis (moisture content, water activity, and pH). Based on the result, the addition of 70% of the red ginger extract was the best treatment (J2) with the characteristics of hedonic quality are appearance 7,3 (neat, clean, and have a luminous golden yellow color), odor 7,5 (very fresh and fragrant odor of red ginger), taste 7,2 (tasty, savory, soft spines), texture 7,6 (flexible texture, dense, and compact). Meanwhile, the total plate count was 3,7 x 105 colonies/gram and there were no Staphylococcus aureus bacteria during 6 days storage. Moreover, it had 58,72% of moisture content, 0.70 of water activity and 6.15 of pH.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik mutu burger ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) dengan formulasi terbaik selama masa simpan suhu dingin (50C). Penelitian ini diawali dengan penelitian pendahuluan untuk mengetahui formulasi terbaik dari burger ikan nila dan dilanjutkan dengan penelitian utama yaitu untuk mengetahui karakteristik mutu burger ikan nila dengan formulasi terbaik selama masa simpan suhu dingin (50C). Parameter analisis yang diamati pada penelitian pendahuluan adalah analisis proksimat (kadar air, kadar protein, kadar kadar lemak, kadar abu), sedangkan pada penelitian utama adalah organoleptik (kenampakan, aroma, rasa dan tekstur), uji mikrobiologi (Angka Lempeng Total), uji aw. Hasil penilaian komposisi proksimat menunjukkan bahwa formulasi terbaik burger ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) adalah formulasi F2. Selama penyimpanan pada suhu dingin (50C) burger ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) dengan formulasi terbaik (F2) memiliki daya tahan selama 7 hari dengan nilai alt 2,4x104koloni/gram dan aw 0,60.


Benteng Hulu Village is a village located in Mempura District, Siak Regency, Riau Province. This village has 14 neighboring neighborhoods and 3 hamlets located not too far away. Looking at the village of Fort Hulu which seems to be quite lagging behind and the lack of social interaction. It can be seen from the residents who still don’t know each other even though the places where they live are close together. Therefore, Riau University students want to change the habits of the village community and increase social interaction in Benteng Hulu Village by holding new activities after the Covid-19 shock. The method used is a field study method where the author is directly involved and goes into the field in activities in Desa Benteng Hulu. This Real Work Lecture is conducted within 1 month. From the activities carried out, two things are concluded, namely: 1). The community will interact with each other if there are fun social interaction activities, 2). The community can use film media and gymnastics to foster a high sense of social towards the local community. Keywords: Community Service, Social Interaction, Watching Movies, Gymnastics


UMK Mina Sejahtera merupakan mitra dalam kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) yang sudah memiliki produk unggulan berupa olahan hasil perikanan, yaitu bakso ikan, mi badoghak/gurih ikan, dan mi basah ikan. Namun, permasalahannya produk yang dibuat belum memiliki kualitas baik, karena keterbatasan alat yang masih mengolah produk secara manual; kurangnya pemahaman dalam packaging dan labeling, serta manajemen usaha yang belum baik. Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk unggulan olahan bakso pada Usaha Mikro Kecil (UMK) Mina Sejahtera. Manfaat dari kegiatan ini mitra dapat membuat produk olahan bakso dengan kualitas lebih baik. Metode yang digunakan adalah penyuluhan, pelatihan dan pendampingan. Materi penyuluhan dan pelatihan berkaitan dengan penggunaan alat modern, pengemasan yang baik, dan manajemen usaha yang lebih baik. Pendampingan diberikan selama kegiatan pengabdian dan setelah kegiatan pengabdian selesai. Hasil kegiatan PKM menunjukkan bahwa mitra telah mengetahui dan memahami tentang penggunaan alat mesin, cara mengemas dan membuat label yang baik pada produk, serta dapat membuat manajemen usaha dengan lebih baik, Dengan peralatan mesin yang diberikan produk unggulan bakso ikan mitra memiliki kualitas yang lebih baik karena bentuk dan ukuran yang homogen, rasanya yang sama, serta dapat menghemat waktu dalam proses produksi, selain itu desain kemasan produk juga lebih menarik, serta manajemen usaha lebih rapi dan baik. Dengan kualitas yang lebih baik, permintaan terhadap produk semakin bertambah sehingga menyebabkan pendapatan mitra meningkat 55,03%/bulan.


Kijing (Pilsbryoconcha sp) is a type of freshwater mussel that has 2 shells (Bivalvia), and its existence as a good source of animal protein at a relatively cheap price. The water of the Paku River is one of the kijing producers located in the Kampar Kiri sub-district Kampar Riau Province. The types of solvents used in the extraction process consist of n-hexane (non-polar), ethyl acetate (semi-polar) and methanol (polar). The purpose of this study was to determine the most suitable type of solvent to extract bioactive compounds. The parameters were yield, identification of active compounds and antioxidant activity. The results showed the highest yield of kijing was found using methanol (1.29%). The active compounds of kijing were alkaloids, steroids, flavonoids and phenolic. The methanol extract had a moderate antioxidant activity with an IC value of 215,62 ppm.


This activity is carried out in the village Benteng Hilir. The title for this outreach activity is “SOSIALISASI STUNTING “MAKAN TAK HANYA KENYANG TAPI BERGIZI”. The purpose of the activities carried out by these students is to increase information and education to all guardians of the TK Negeri Pembina students regarding stunting and child nutrition. The material explained in the form of the characteristics of children suffering from stunting, the factors causing stunting, the impact of stunting, and the supplementary food program (PMT) that can be given to children. This activity is done in kindergarten village Negeri Pembina with student guardian. Keywords: Stunting, Nutrition, PMT


The mussel shell is a solid waste resulting from the processing of the mussel with a proportion of 51.93%, even though the shell has a high calcium content of 61.39% so there is a need for a innovation in the utilization of mussel shells into value-added products through the valorisation of freshwater mussel shells as hydroxyapatite source. This research aimed to determine the characterisation of hydroxyapatite from freshwater mussel shells. The synthesis of hydroxyapatite was carried out using the hydrothermal method at 8000C. The hydroxyapatite characteristic of freshwater mussel shell has a white color with a whiteness value of 56.89%; identified functional groups PO43-, OH-, CO32-, and CaO groups as constituents of hydroxyapatite; a high degree of crystallinity of 82.8%; 48.255% calcium; 1.474% Phosphor; and 0.009% kalium.


Benteng Hilir Village is a fairly large village with a total area of ??15,426 hectares or equal to 154.26 km2. Benteng Hilir village is located in Mempura sub-district, Siak district, Riau province, Indonesia. This village consists of 14 Neighborhoods and Hamlets . The livelihoods of its citizens are diverse, namely: Breeders, Farmers, Entrepreneurs, Employees, Civil Servants, POLRI, Contractors, Drivers and so on. This village has a lot of potential that can be developed by the residents or the local community here. The development of the potential of this village is carried out by residents through the development of various MSME products. There are various kinds of MSME products developed by the community, namely; MSME products are cassava, kelulut honey, sugar cane juice and others. Kukerta students, Riau University, Benteng Hilir Village themselves have a role in helping MSME actors in the production process or making MSME products. The real results of these MSME activities can be seen from the opening of employment opportunities so as to reduce the number of unemployed people. This activity is carried out by students as a form of concern to the problems of rural economic development. Hopefully, with this activity, village MSMEs will continue to progress, so that they can help build the village economy. Keywords: Community Service, UMKM, Village potential